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Website design in Ghana plays a crucial role in making sure a business is ready to accomplish its goals. but achieving such goals is only made possible through online marketing efforts, getting SEO in place, and constant updates using the right content...
Video marketing is a kind of video created and posted online to advertise your business. When we talk about video marketing, some people think only about YouTube. But, videos can be shared anywhere on social media like Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and...
As typical for Google, they have recently released news on new changes to the world of seo on their search engine. This time they announced it will affect the nofollow attribute within links, that means seo enthusiasts and professionals should take note...
SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is a tried-and-tested practice of increasing the quality and quantity of the website traffic by ranking the site higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). The good thing is, some of that earned traffic...
SERP full form is Search Engine Result page in which web crawler gives arrangements of results that we looked for an inquiry. When we looked they give you the Web pages, titles, Descriptions, URL(Uniform Resource Locator) and a lot more things with respect...