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Pricing | Zenith Climbing Center
Special member pricing to comps, events, clinics, and more! Deals & Discounts Students/Seniors/Military/Youth get a discount on individual monthly memberships! Families get the 2nd person for $42, 3r...
Zenith Summer Camp 2023 | Zenith Climbing Center
At Zenith Summer Camp, campers literally reach new heights! Our state-of-the-art indoor rock climbing facility offers 9,000 square feet of climbing area.
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Climbing 101 | Zenith Climbing Center
2nd & 4th Thursday every month 7:00pm - 9:00pm This course offers an in-depth introduction to the facility, including the use of auto-belays, bouldering, fundamentals of climbing, top rope climbing, a...
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Yoga | Zenith Climbing Center
At Zenith Climbing Center, we offer more than just rock climbing. We also have a dedicated yoga studio with certified instructors and classes every day of the…