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Our Programs | Youth Renewal Fund
Since YRF's inception in 1989, the goal has always been to spearhead educational innovations in Israel. 30 years later, we remain stronger than ever.
Taking Steps Together | Youth Renewal Fund
Charity walk run for Darca Students in Israel, creating innovative education for Israel's geo-social periphery. Jewish Philanthropy from Youth Renewal Fund
Our Story | Youth Renewal Fund
Youth Renewal Fund is a nonprofit organization that is the philanthropic and strategic funding partner for the Darca network of schools in Israel.
Livestream | Youth Renewal Fund
Livestream Youth Renewal Fund, a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, is the philanthropic funding partner for the Darca network of schools in Israel. Darca provides Israeli high school stud...
The Results | Youth Renewal Fund
In Israel, the national average for graduating high school with a Bagrut certificate is 58% Darca schools averaged 89% in 2019!
The Schools | Youth Renewal Fund
The Darca network includes schools from diverse communities in the Israeli society and which caters to strengthen the country's social fabric.