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*...xBeautyGeekx...*: My Skincare Routine & Favourite Skincare Products...
Hello lovelies, I hope you all had a fab weekend! This year I finally decided to sort my skin out, up until now I've always spent a...
*...xBeautyGeekx...*: Skincare Haul...
Hiya lovelies, I hope you're all well and had a fab weekend. One of my resolutions this year was to take better care of my skin so ...
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Cleaning makeup brushes has to be one of the most mundane tasks I can think of but I ensure I clean mine once a week. Makeup brushes ha...
*...xBeautyGeekx...*: About Me
Hiya lovelies! I'm Sarah, a twenty something mum to be living in Market Harborough, UK. I have a penchant for all things beauty re...
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Hello my lovelies, I hope you're all ok and having a good week. Whilst having a clean out in my room I discovered just how many Soap & ...