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Core Protections | Wyoming Juvenile Justice
Core Protections The SACJJ strongly supports and promotes OJJDP’s Four Core Protections for the safe and appropriate holding of juveniles as best practices in the state of Wyoming. Deinstitutionaliz...
Members/Committees | Wyoming Juvenile Justice
Members/Committees The State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice (SACJJ) is the statewide resource for the Governor, Legislature, and communities in the fields of juvenile justice, youth services, an...
Past Meetings | Wyoming Juvenile Justice
This Web site is funded through a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice n...
Wyoming Juvenile Justice | Criminal Justice for Youth
Welcome The State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice (SACJJ) is comprised of members having training, experience or special knowledge concerning the prevention and/or treatment of juvenile delinquen...