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WSO - The Wilcox Solar Observatory
The Wilcox Solar Observatory The Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) began collecting daily observations of the Sun's global (or mean) magnetic field in May 1975 (Scherrer+1977), with the goal of unde...
WSO Source Surface Synoptic Charts
Results for two methods are presented here. The *classic* computation locates the source surface at 2.5 solar radii, assumes that the photospheric field has a meridional component and requires a s...
WSO Magnetograms
Wilcox Solar Observatory Magnetograms(index below) As part of its regular observing program, WSO regularly produces solar magnetograms. Magnetograms are maps of the line-of-sight component of magnet...
WSO Synoptic Charts
Synoptic charts of the solar magnetic field are assembled from individual magnetograms observed over the course of a solar rotation. The contour maps show the distribution of magnetic flux over the ph...
WSO Magscan Index
Wilcox Solar Observatory Magscan Index #0 - 99, scanlog... - 1976.09.05 0 - 4 / - 05/19
WSO Magscan Index
Wilcox Solar Observatory Magscan Index #16100 - 16199, 2023.09.25 - 2024.04.23 16100 - 16104 09/25 - 10/01