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Southern California Writers Conference
Run by working authors of fiction, non-fiction and screen, SoCal's premier writers' event is devoted to your work and where you are now as a writer.
The Southern California Writers' Conference LA20 (Irvine) - The Southern California Writers
Founded and run by professional writers, the SCWC has facilitated some $4 million worth of 1st time authors deals.
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Workshops: Read & Critique All-Genre Commercial/Women’s/Memoir/Romance/Narrative Literary/Alternative/Narrative Nonfiction Mystery/Suspense/Thriller/Crime Paranormal/Horror/Transcendental Query Letter...
The Southern California Writers' Conference LA20 (Irvine) Schedule At-A-Glance - The Southern
The SCWC provides multi-tiered workshop tracks. With the exception of evening “Rogue” read & critiques, workshops run 90 minutes. Unless otherwise indicated, conferees are free to go to any session th...
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Definitely bring your manuscript, and do not hesitate to bring a work-in-progress. For many this is the only opportunity to receive authoritative feedback on a manuscript before sending it out to agen...