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- Bellower of Song This site holds a collection of songs people have used, are using, or could use to aid labor. It's maintained by me, Bennett Konesni, a farmer-musician from Maine. It's...
All Songs — The Worksong Project
Help Keep the Lights On Or, Help Out Via Paypal: Or, if you're not into sending money on the internet, please send a check! Our trained harbor seal picks up the mail each wednesday morning. Pleas...
The Worksong Project — The Worksong Project
What’s the plan? The Worksong Project will create as many high quality recordings of work songs in action as we can afford - from the field, from the sea, from the market, to your workplace, your home...
Melody and Harmony — The Worksong Project
Lots of people ask me about my approach to harmony. Here's how I think about it: Melody is the main line of music you’re making. It's the basis of the song, it's the thing people will sing first when...
Countries & Uses — The Worksong Project
LIST OF USES This is an informal list of many of the activities that people have developed a worksong tradition for. It's not a scholarly text, just a place to collect the diversity of uses worksongs ...
Spatial Awareness and Worksongs — The Worksong Project
Spatial Awareness While Worksonging One of the biggest factors in making songs work in the field is the architecture of the space you’re worksonging in. Here are some things to think about: What are t...