Rechtsberatung & Notariat für professionelle Bauvorhaben und Immobilienprojekte. Berlin & Bundesweit | Hochspezialisierte Expertise | Individuelle Beratung.
Who we are
Who we are
WIR Wanderer - The law firm for real estate professionals
Thanks to systematic specialization in construction law, residential property law, tenancy law and real estate transactions, Wan...
Attorneys and notaries
Attorneys and notaries
Our lawyers, our notary and notary publics
Our team of specialists is at home in real estate law, construction law & property development law, residential property law, tenan...
Our Notaries: Supporting real estate transactions in a legally compliant manner
Our notaries provide all notarial legal services. The particular expertise of our notaries and notary clerks ...
Rechtsanwälte und Notare
Rechtsanwälte und Notare
Unsere Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte, unsere Notarin und Notare
Unser Team aus Spezialisten ist im Immobilienrecht, Baurecht & Bauträgerrecht, Wohnungseigentumsrecht,...
Uwe Wanderer
Uwe Wanderer
1983-2005 Lawyer in own practice
2005/2006 Partnership Wanderer und Kümmel
Since 2006 Eponymous partner at Wanderer und Partner off duty
Further activities
Lectures and seminars on apart...