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Atlanta Wheel Repair and Customization Gallery | Wheel Wizard
Gallery of repaired or customized wheels by Wheel Wizard Atlanta.
Atlanta Machined Finish Wheel Repairs | Wheel Wizard ATL
Bent machined wheels are repaired or refinished by CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machines in the Wheel Wizard Atlanta shop, located in Chamblee, Georgia.
About | Wheel Wizard | Atlanta, Georgia
Wheel Wizard's Atlanta repair shop, located in Chamblee, specializes in fixing damaged wheels and customization.
Atlanta Wheel Polishing | Wheel Wizard ATL
Wheel Wizard ATL, located in Chamblee, Georgia, will remove swirls and light scratches from clear coated wheels, and polish aluminum and chrome with the best tools and techniques in the industry.
Reviews - Wheel Wizard
Reviews Reviews Took my Bent and cracked wheel to [competitor] and they flat out told me the wheel was trash and I had to buy another one. The problem is I have Forged rims from 2007 and that model i...
Atlanta Wheel Paint | Wheel Wizard ATL | Chamblee, GA
Wheel Wizard ATL, located in Chamblee, GA, offers car and truck wheel painting services to all models and types of wheels. We will paint any wheel and bring it back to the original quality.