Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
A commitment: respect your privacyYour personal data is sacred to us: we store it on secure servers in France, we do not use it, we do not sell it, we do not read your messages.Read the Mailo charter ...
Features - Mailo
Features Features Exclusive domain names (, No Photo albums Yes OnlyOffice office suite Yes Yes Yes 12 months A full mail system: Choice of e-mail address in the following domain ...
Who are we? - Mailo
Who are we? Who is Mailo? A result of 20 years of experience of the Mail Object company, Mailo is a 100% European mail service, which guarantees the users to regain control of their data and accompani...
Why choose Mailo - Mailo
Why choose Mailo Why choose Mailo Your e-mail address, just like your postal address, represents you. It shows your correspondents that you subscribe to the image and the values of the service which y...
Privacy rules - Mailo
Privacy rules Modified on December 10th, 2020. Object As part of the provision of its services, Mailo is brought to proceed to the storage and to the processing of your personal data. This Privacy Rul...
Terms of use - Mailo
Terms of use Last modified: April 20th, 2022 The company MAILO - SAS with a capital of 75,000 euros - RCS No. 851585547 (e-mail: (hereinafter referred as "Publisher") publishes the...