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Finding my path to the woods…. – The Wayward Celt
I have a lot of stuff floating around in my head when it comes to content for this blog whether it is relevant to current events, social media, or just aimless ramblings. Sometimes, though, the be…
Sentiment analysis is dead, long live sentiment analysis – The Wayward Celt
Sentiment analysis is dead, long live sentiment analysis Article authored in collaboration with Kelly Smith, @kellypuffs Ok, we’re being provocative here (but when are we not?) Perhaps sentim…
LED Key lights without spending any money – The Wayward Celt
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Membership drives versus organic growth – The Wayward Celt
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CSI Member Summit 2023 personal recap – The Wayward Celt
(*Cross-posted to LinkedIn) In 2019 I published a blog post about feeling seen and represented at a software conference for the first time. At that time I’d never found real value from a conf…
Looking forward…. and setting my sights – The Wayward Celt
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