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About | Warren Dotz
About WARREN DOTZ is an author of award-winning, graphic design books published by American and foreign imprints such as Random House, Chronicle Books and Graphic Sha Japan. A theme common to his publ...
Exhibit | Warren Dotz
SFO Museum International Terminal The SFO Museum curated some of the best of Warren’s collection—a collection comprising over three thousand American and International iconic advertising spokes-charac...
Light of India | Warren Dotz
TEN SPEED PRESS / RANDOM HOUSE SELECTED REVIEWS Little India Magazine “Miniature masterpieces, bright, bold, diminutive and dramatic” Errant Dreams Reviews “Surprisingly illuminating, beautiful, enc...
Mr. Product • Volume 2 | Warren Dotz
MAGNIFICENT MASCOTS 1960 - 1985 SELECTED REVIEWS “If you're an illustrator, designer or simply a fan of popular culture, these carefully-curated tomes are well worth checking out” AdPulp...
Firecrackers • Art & History | Warren Dotz
SELECTED REVIEWS Forbes “Fascinating. The same beautiful labels you once blew to smithereens” Playboy “The pictures of vintage labels alone makes it worth the price” Booklist “As history and a brow...
Firecrackers! | Warren Dotz
SELECTED REVIEWS Southwest Airlines Spirit “Celebrate with a bang!” “Pure Americana!” New York Times “Scholarly” East Bay Express “A collection of clever vintage packages” Art MoCo: The Modern and ...