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Wainui Outrigger | Oakville ON Canada
Oakville ON Canada
Kids’ Camps | Wainui Outrigger
2023 Registration - this is now bookable via the membership page. Press here to proceed to the membership page Kids' summer camp registration update - COVID Our Covid Protocols are in place and we...
2023 Programs | Wainui Outrigger
Program Duration Access Program Fee Equipment Registration Information Adult Full Membership + Boat Storage Year-round storage Annual Fee You are responsible for tie-downs and pool noodl...
Typical Schedule | Wainui Outrigger
For information purposes only. 2023 Example Members Program. Please book via TeamSnap or contact coaches to participate. Note paddle All is only in June & September. Summer camps only in July ...
Competitive | Wainui Outrigger
Interested in quantifying your skills evolution? Interested in going out and paddling hard for an hour? Perhaps our competitive program program sessions are for you. We do not typically cater to...
Kapuna | Wainui Outrigger
Kapuna - The term is the embodiment of natural respect . . . . a practitioner of aloha (love), pono (righteousness), malama (caring). The Wai Nui Kupuna outrigger paddling program is a great way fo...