Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Startseite – vhb
Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern. Online-Lehrangebote – örtlich und zeitlich flexibel. CLASSIC vhb-Kurse, OPEN vhb-Kurse.
Start – vhb
Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern. Online Teaching Offers - Flexible in Time and Place. CLASSIC vhb courses, OPEN vhb courses
Startseite – vhb
Hier geht es zu den Lehr-/Lernangeboten:CLASSIC vhb
Students – vhb
The courses offered by vhb are for students of our host universities and for all interested students outside the universities.
Registration – vhb
Registration is possible online and students at our member universities can complete it paperless using electronic authentication.
About Us – vhb
The vhb promotes and supports the development of digital teaching units and is committed to an exchange and an inter-university use.