Valbec - Home
A VALBEC (Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Educational Council) Professional Learning session presented by
Linno Rhodes
all have coping skills or strategies - some of them serve us well,...
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Valbec - About
Who is VALBEC?
VALBEC is a not for profit, volunteer managed, professional organisation that has represented the adult literacy, numeracy and basic education fields in Victoria for more than 40 ...
Valbec - Fractions
The idea of dividing whole things into smaller pieces, fractions, is integral to our culture. It is embedded into our language in many ways: in the way we tell the time as ‘quarter to’ or ‘h...
Valbec - Building Strength with Numeracy
Building Strength with Numeracy
When VALBEC realised it was over two decades since the publication of the iconic numeracy resources
Strength in Numbers and Breaking the Maths Barrier, they decided it...
Valbec - Getting Started
Getting Started
This section contains a collection of activities for 'getting started' in two senses. 'Getting started' at the beginning of your numeracy course, for example, at the beginning of the y...