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US Pharmacopeia (USP)
USP is dedicated to helping improve global health through standards setting in compounding, biologics, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other fields.
What is a USP Monograph
Learn the definition of a USP monograph, how monographs are developed and how they effect quality prescription drugs.
USP Reference Standards
USP standards for drug reference standards are used to demonstrate identity, strength, purity and quality for medicines, dietary supplements and food ingredients.
Reference Standards FAQs | USP
Get answers to frequently asked questions about USP's Reference Standards.
Estándares de Referencia de USP | USP
USP ofrece actualmente más de 3500 Estándares de Referencia: muestras con un gran nivel de caracterización de medicamentos, excipientes, ingredientes alimenticios, impurezas, productos de degradación,...
USP Labeling
Learn about the change in standard for the elimination of ratio expression for single entity drug labels.