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USAR Service Rifle Section
US Army Reserve Shooting Team Alumni Association. Includes photos and information on the U.S. Army Reserve Shooting Teams.
USAR Shooting Teams History
US Army Reserve Shooting Teams Alumni Association History From the mid-1950's to 1968 the USAR Marksmanship Program consisted of a Service Rifle Team led by Sam Burkhalter and a Service Pistol Tea...
USAR Combat Team Section
Commander in Chief Trophy 1990 USAR Combat Shooting Team with AASAM Commander in Chief Trophy Front Row, L to R, SPC Sean Hartswick, MSG William Fetterolf, SFC Peter DelPonte, CPT Jay Williams, CW2 He...
USAR International Rifle Section
Bruce Meredith presenting some of the awards won by USAR shooters at the 1969 Interservice International Rifle Championships at Fort Benning, GA. Standing: Gary Anderson, John Writer Kneeling: Br...
USAR Service Pistol Section
1989 - SSG Darius Young, USAR 1991 - SFC Steve Reiter, USAR 1993 - SFC Steve Reiter, USAR 1994 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR 1999 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR 2000 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR Presi...
USAR International Pisol Section
Darius Young Know of others that should be listed? Send to webmaster with full name and the years they were on the team.