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Website on nuclear and radiation safety and non-proliferation
Website on nuclear and radiation safety and non-proliferation Nuclear and radiation safety in wartime News
Decontamination |
Decontamination. What Is This and Why Is It Needed? Decontamination is the removal of radioactive substances from surfaces of buildings, equipment, household items, clothing, water, other liquids, etc...
Nuclear Security Framework |
Nuclear Security The threat of nuclear terrorism was recognized by the world community as one of the key problems of international safety. Today, in times of political and economic instability, the nu...
Operating NPPs
Nuclear power of Ukraine dates back to 1977, when the first Chornobyl NPP unit was put into operation.
Small Modular Reactors And the Nuclear Non-Proliferation: A View From the Safeguards Standpoint
Nuclear power generation continues to hold its ground in providing humanity with energy that does not require fossil fuels and is not greenhouse-emitting compared to coal-fired power plants. The globa...
International Cooperation in Non-Proliferation Area - uatom
International Cooperation in Non-Proliferation Area International Cooperation in Non-Proliferation Area Owing to continuous efforts, the world community has developed a great number of multilateral ag...