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A kézisajtó kora - Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
A kézisajtó kora - Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
The hand-press period - National Széchényi Library
The first three centuries (1473–1635) Printing in Hungary in the hand-press period is introduced in a way that the brief illustrated description of the history and activities of typographies is as...
A kézisajtó kora - Országos Széchényi Könyvtár -HOFFHALTER-NYOMDA
The German-speaking Saxons were invited to Transylvania, to the easternmost borders of Hungary by the first Hungarian kings. They preserved their special culture and enjoyed several privileges wit...
A kézisajtó kora - Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
A Clavis Typographorum Regionis Carpathicae az 1473-1948 között, a mindenkori államhatárokon belül működő nyomdák és nyomdászok adatait tartalmazza. Ez mintegy 525 nyomdahelyet, 5500-at meghaladó nyo...
The hand-press period - National Széchényi Library
Printing houses in Hungary in the 15th century Printing houses in Hungary in the 16th ...
The hand-press period - National Széchényi Library - THE TELEGDI-NYOMDA
In the second half of the 16th century following the Synod of Trident (1562/1563) the Catholic church in Hungary realized the necessity of spreading Catholic confession against protestants in prin...