Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Bradley Wright
Development, the Internets, and my other interests. Bradley Wright is a professional web developer living in London.
Using Nginx as reverse proxy | Bradley Wright
Using Nginx as reverse proxy It’s common knowledge that when you’re serving a web application you shouldn’t use a standard Apache install to serve static assets, as it comes with too much overhead. I....
Python virtualenv quickstart with Django | Bradley Wright
Python virtualenv quickstart with Django One of the solutions to the ghetto of Python package management is to use a sand-boxed Python install like virtualenv. This is the very same technique we use.....
How to set up your own private Git server on Linux | Bradley Wright
How to set up your own private Git server on Linux Update 2: as pointed out by Tim Huegdon, several comments on a Hacker News thread pointing here, and the excellent Pro Git book, Gitolite seems to be...
Synchronising Things using Dropbox | Bradley Wright
Synchronising Things using Dropbox Important update I no longer recommend this approach for keeping Things synchronised between two Macs. Use the guidelines for syncing multiple Macs from the official...
A week using Emacs | Bradley Wright
A week using Emacs From a consensus vote of two (Hunter and Jason) out of three, Emacs is the preferred editor of Smarkets. Historically, my editor experience runs roughly thus: • Notepad (early days....