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About Us-Truth Be Told Radio Network
We are Christians who are concerned with Bible prophecy, current events and your personal relationship with God your father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We broadcas...
Monday's Shows | tbtrn
7pm: Picking Up The Pieces
8pm: Call To Decision With Pastor Butch Paugh → LIVE!
9pm: Just In Time
Tuesday's Shows
* You can listen to TBTRN on any Amazon, Google, Apple Smart speaker, WiFi Radio or s...
Tuesday's Shows | tbtrn
7pm: Look Up!
9pm: Spiritual Encounters
* You can listen to TBTRN on any Amazon, Google, Apple Smart speaker, WiFi Radio or smart phone world-wide.
Thursday's Shows | tbtrn
12pm: Turn Around With JD Holmes
1pm: Cutting Through The Matrix
2pm: The Common Sense Show – Dave Hodges – LIVE!
3pm: Greater Intimacy To Love Greater - Ken Handwerker
4pm: Financial Survival → LIVE!...