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The Town of Indian Head | Saskatchewan
Visit the Grand Theatre The Grand Theatre was built in 1904 as the Indian Head Opera House by Arthur James Osment. It is the oldest, continuously operating theatre in Western Canada. Tourist Booth & S...
About Indian Head | The Town of Indian Head
Indian Head is a beautiful historic town in southeast Saskatchewan, Canada, 69 kilometres east of Regina. The town is directly north of the Trans-Canada Highway. It had its beginnings in 1882 as the f...
Attractions | The Town of Indian Head
A.J.M. Davies Arena The A.J.M. Davies Arena is located at 810 Woodward Avenue, at the corner of Howard Street and Woodward. At 190 feet by 85 feet, the ice surface at A.J.M. Davies Arena is one of the...
News | The Town of Indian Head
Join us for a full day of Family Fun at Light the Lights on December 9! Notice of Vote Voting for the election of Councillor for the Town of Indian Head will take place on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 ...
Historic Buildings & Landmarks | The Town of Indian Head
▸A HISTORIC WALKING TOUR OF BEAUTIFUL INDIAN HEAD The people of Indian Head take pride in their town and its many historic buildings. What better way to show off its beauty spots and history than with...
Welcome from the Mayor | The Town of Indian Head
▸Welcome from Mayor Steven Cole It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Town of Indian Head. Whether you call Indian Head home, you are visiting one of our many attractions or you are simply pas...