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Homily, Sermon, Reflection, Sunday
Kayala: October 2021
Last Sunday, we heard about discipleship. Today it's about being a missionary. 1. In a world of stars and stripes, titles and accolades, we have been told what matters is not where you sit, but how y...
Kayala: 2021
Introduction by the Celebrant: A. Happy New Year! Yes, advent marks the beginning of the Church’s calendar. The Church once again invites us to a period of waiting, hope and expectation. B. Waiting in...
Kayala: 2023
1) Preparing the soil: Meek and humble of heart. The word humility comes from the Latin, humus which means earth. Be earthy, natural, without put on. That's the sort of soil. 2) Types of soil: Defia...
Kayala: 2022
Greetings The Lord has gathered us here, however different we may be from one another, to become one in him and to be a sample of the unity in variety of the whole Church. May the one Lord of all unit...
Kayala: August 2021
The Samurai Warrior and the Zen Master One day, a Samurai warrior went to a Zen master for instruction. "Please," the huge man asked in a thundering voice that was used to instant obedience, "teach ...