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Popular pages
Timber Queensland - Queenslands peak timber industry body
Timber Queensland is the peak timber industry body in Queensland. With origins stretching back to 1938, our name is synonymous with impartiality and authority.
Timber Queensland - Company Overview
Company Overview You are here Timber Queensland is the peak timber industry body in Queensland. With origins stretching back to 1938, our name is synonymous with impartiality and authority. We ar...
Timber Queensland - Our Profile
Our Profile Powerful voice. Timber Queensland provides the timber industry with a united voice to participate in developing a whole-of-industry position on issues which impact our members. E...
Timber Queensland - Our Members
Our Members Corporate Our corporate members comprise of plantation growers, harvesters and haulers, sawmillers and timber wholesalers, merchants, manufacturers and fabricators. Timber Queensland...
Media Releases 2021
Timber Queensland media releases
Timber Queensland - News
News You are here Guides to help assess and repair flood damaged timber Timber Queensland information on best practice for fit for purpose timber here. Master Builders Queensland QBCC T...