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About Us
About Three S Farm How we got started Three S Farm started in the spring of 2005 with sixteen baby chicks, a small amount of cash, and a vision of becoming a big producer of eggs and baby chickens. ...
All Natural Eggs
Organic Eggs for Sale,Natural Eggs for Sale
Black Austolorp
About The Austalorp This breed originated in Australia. It was developed from Black Orpingtons imported from England; and the goal of the breeding program was to increase egg production without sacri...
Special Deals and Packages - Let Us Surprise You
Let Us Surprise You! (Hatchery Choice) In this package we will "surprise" you with a varity of different multi purpose chicks. You will receive one or more of the following breeds, Ameraucana Cross...
Shipping Costs
Poultry Shipping Rates by State STATE
About The Delaware This breed was developed in the state of Delaware from an original Barred Rock and New Hampshire cross. The Delaware is considered a heavy breed which lays a nice brown egg. Male...