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About Us | Sir James Reckitt Charity
A Century of Giving In May 2021 the Sir James Reckitt Charity celebrated the centenary of its foundation by Sir James Reckitt, a successful Hull industrialist who was instrumental in steering the fami...
Apply for a grant | Sir James Reckitt Charity
What do you need to apply Here are the main questions we ask during the application form: Is this organisation a registered charity Is your organisation associated with the Society of Friends (Quakers...
Sir James Reckitt | Sir James Reckitt Charity
In the beginning Sir James Reckitt was born in Nottingham in November 1833, the youngest son of Isaac and Ann Reckitt. The Reckitt family had been members of the Society of Friends since the 17th cent...
Developing Peace Education | Sir James Reckitt Charity
Developing Peace Education The Sir James Reckitt Charity is exploring new ways to support Quaker-led and Quaker-inspired education. Education is a core interest for our trust, and we have a vision to ...
How can we help? | Sir James Reckitt Charity
Yorkshire or with the Society of Friends (Quakers). You can apply online in just 30 minutes.
Case studies | Sir James Reckitt Charity
Good causes urged to apply for historic charity’s £2m Centenary Grants Charitable causes across Hull and East Yorkshire are being reminded to apply for special Centenary Grants launched by the histori...