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History - The Salton Sea
The beginning of the current Salton Sea starts in 1905. The Salton Sea lies in the Salton Basin, but it is not the first body of water to occupy the area. An ancient lake, named Lake Cahuilla,...
Salinity - The Salton Sea
Rising salinity is the most well known problem of the Salton Sea. According to the California Department of Water Resources (n.d.) the salinity is currently about 48,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L)...
Eutrophication - The Salton Sea
Eutrophication is the excessive amount of nutrients in a lake or other body of water. Because 90 percent of inflowing waters in the Salton Sea is from agricultural runoff (SSA, n.d.), all the...
Migrating Birds - The Salton Sea
The Salton Sea placed in the path of the Pacific Flyway, the North- South migratory route from Alaska to Patagonia. Because over 90 percent of inland wetlands in California have disappeared due to...
Environmental Problems - The Salton Sea
There are multiple interconnected issues adversely affecting the health of the Salton Sea.
Other Informative Links - The Salton Sea
Organizations The Salton Sea Authority Salton Sea State Recreation Area The Salton Sea Database Program Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program US Bureau of Reclamation: Salton Sea Sonny Bono Salton....