Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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What we do | PSI
PSI - The Pharmacy Regulator is a public body established in law to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public by regulating pharmacists and pharmacies in Ireland.
Our Organisation | PSI
The PSI is governed by a 21 member Council, with a non-pharmacist majority. Council members are appointed by the Minister for Health in accordance with the Pharmacy Act 2007.
Corporate Strategy | PSI
This Corporate Strategy 2021-2024 consists of four elements - a central organisational goal and three strategic objectives.
Council | PSI
The PSI Council is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the PSI functions in the public interest. This includes agreeing on the strategy for the PSI and ensuring that the strategic objectives ar...
Our Mission, Vision and Values | PSI
Our principal function is to ensure patient safety and public protection. We are committed to carrying out our work independently, ethically and transparently.
Governance | PSI
As a public body, the PSI must comply with a particular set of rules and principles in relation to how it operates and performs its functions. The PSI aims to reflect best practice as provided for und...