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About Me – The Miss-Happenstances
Hi! I’m Jess. Thanks for stopping by. I am a New Yorker, writer, photographer, life enthusiast and dreamer! This is a page of stories, annotates, and self discovery. It is my hope that these narrat...
Top 17 Do’s and Don’ts on Your Way to Machu Picchu! – The Miss-Happenstances
In my wanderings of South America, I came across a magical land in the southeast of Peru. It was full of history, traditions, beauty and mystery. The ancient Inca capitol sitting 3,400 meters high, th...
This Is Us Too – The Miss-Happenstances
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Live Your Life Words – The Miss-Happenstances
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A Message from the Scary Dark – The Miss-Happenstances
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Chapter 20.2 – Lava Loving – The Miss-Happenstances
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