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Govt notifies New Drugs and Clinical Trials (Amendment) Rules 2022
Download notification GSR No. 14(E) dt 13-01-2022
General | The Health Master
General news, articles and information from the filed of health, fitness, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, industries and medical & pharmacy education,
Govt introduces registration certificate for sales of Medical Devices
The fee for the registration certificate and the retention fee is fixed at Rs. 3,000 each.
December 19, 2022 | The Health Master
The Health Securer
Nation | The Health Master
National news, articles and information from the filed of health, fitness, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, industries and medical & pharmacy education,
About us | The Health Master
Our aim is to provide a perfect portal to provide all the latest information, news, articles about health, doctors, hospitals, testing laboratories, medicines, medical devices, cosmetics, feed supplem...