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King's Church
333 Group @ Sue's You can find us on Deepdale Lane just off the High Street (on the left) as you are travelling into Boston Spa from the A1. (We are before the Church Fields housing estate). Daily Bib...
The King's Church Boston Spa – to know Christ and make Him known
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News Youth Cafe The Youth Cafe has finished for the summer and will be back again in September. On the Park starts in May. 25
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The King's Church, Boston Spa "To know Christ and to make Christ known"
Regular Events
Regular events Sunday services On most Sundays we run two services, one at 11am and another at 6:30pm. The morning service caters for babies and children. For more information on the services click he...
About King's
About King's About King's The King's Church was launched in November 1989. A group of Christians had been meeting for some years, on a Tuesday night, in a home in Clifford. This small community was li...