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Texas Cryptid Hunter: Frequently Asked Questions Answered
As promised, I am going to attempt to breathe some new life into the blog in 2021 so here we go. I receive a LOT of correspondence and get m...
Texas Cryptid Hunter: Book Announcement
It has been too long since I posted here on the blog; however, I am happy to say that I have not been idle during my time away. For the last...
Texas Cryptid Hunter: 2021
Going on ten years ago, I was out checking on some game cameras here in Central Texas. I had placed my cameras along the Lampasas River below the Stillhouse Hollow Dam. My cameras never captured anyth...
Texas Cryptid Hunter: 2020
The telling of scary stories around a campfire is a tradition that is likely nearly as old as mankind itself. While tales of ghosts, goblins, and murderous psychopaths can rattle the cage of nearly an...
Texas Cryptid Hunter: New Study Area in Hunt County, Texas
After months of working on and finishing up my book, then arranging various types of publicity to support the release (radio and podcast in...
Texas Cryptid Hunter: The Texas Cryptid Hunter Site Turns Two
Today marks the two-year anniversary of the Texas Cryptid Hunter site. It is hard for me to believe that two years have passed since I start...