TPM (ex-Theophostic): you feel bad but is TPM the solution?
Who doesn’t feel bad at times – sometimes for extended periods. Good news then: the purveyors of Transformational Prayer Ministry (TPM) say they’ve got the solution. The introduction to TPM on the web...
But it works
I was telling them about the result of my investigation of a prayer technique for when you are feeling bad. I had misgivings. This touched a nerve in a couple of them: their response was effectively ‘...
Leaders: a painting or a window?
The gospel should mean that, as leaders, we promote Christ, not ourselves. A window, not a painting.
I’m not speaking to you: Matthew 5:14-16
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his disciples that they were ‘the light of the world’: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill can’t be hidden. 15 Also, people do not light a lamp...
Transformational Prayer Ministry (TPM) wants to redesign how we do church
Ed Smith, the inventor of Theophostic Prayer[1], thinks that everybody, in every ‘church’ in the world, needs his invention[2]. Never mind what kind of prayer it is, can any invention of man warrant s...
Why I said no to reading the Bible
The other day I was asked to read the Bible. Now, I’m a big fan of reading the Bible. But I declined. Why? Well, this wasn’t any ordinary reading of the Bible, privately, in a small group, or in a loc...