Techvigo deals in the software market that supports business operations. We create specialised software for our customers for manufacturing and support of the software production processes, s...
Navigo Navigation | TechVigo
Navigation to the selected destination: pedestrian route, car route, quickest or closest route
Navigation to predefined home or work location, to the selected address, to last selected address, map p...
Mobile | TechVigo
Navigation to the indicated destination: for walking, for driving (fastest or shortest)
Navigation to predefined location: home, work, indicated address, last destination, spot on the map, user place...
Portal-Lite | TechVigo
bok@techvigo.pl - ds. technicznych dotyczących portali i Tourdesk
Tel.: +48 602 35 07 55 - infolinia LarkMap i Navigo9
Tel.: +48 662 98 99 99 - rozliczenia/faktury/biuro
Navigo software | TechVigo
Navigo software
This software, based on the NAVIGO technology, is one of the broadly-understood GIS system elements, using, among others, standard platforms (e.g. from ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo, AutoC...