Tall Tale Heroes - Home
Tall talk, or exaggerated storytelling, began in the 1800s as a way for Americans to come to terms with the vast and inhospitable lands they’d come to inhabit – thick, dark forests filled...
Annie Oakley - Tall Tale Heroes
Title: Shooting Star: Annie Oakley, the Legend , written by Debbie Dadey, illustrated by Scott Goto 1997 Description: An exaggerated account of the life and exploits of the sharp-shooting...
Annie Christmas - Tall Tale Heroes
Title : Her stories: African American Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales written by Virginia Hamilton, illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon, 1995 Description : Collection of 19 folktales,...
Casey Jones - Tall Tale Heroes
Title : Casey Jones by Stephen Krensky, 2007 Description: Presents the life of the railroad engineer who was famous for always bringing his train in on time and whose brave actions during his last...
Joe Magarac - Tall Tale Heroes
Joe Magarac was an imaginary folk hero, like Paul Bunyan, whose story came from eastern European immigrants working in Pittsburgh area steel mills. His physical power and his brave, generous, and...
Johnny Kaw - Tall Tale Heroes
Tall Tale Heroes