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SuperbIN:Your best partner in laser processing
SuperbIN provides customized laser machines, ultra-fast laser micro-processing equipment, various European and American laser sources and laser measurement equipment.
上儀股份有限公司 Laser SuperbIN
SuperbIN provides customized sample tests for various kinds of sample, including tempered glass, ceramic, sapphire, quartz, PI, PET, ...etc. Most of sample machining, including drilling, cutt
Products Laser SuperbIN
Focus on Optical Measurement Solutions Largely customer oriented, we offer user-friendly, reliable and high quality products tailored to the needs of our customersMore Need Inquire ? ...
Contact Laser SuperbIN
SuperbIN Co. Ltd. Provide the customized laser solution. SuperbIN provide Ti:Sapphire based ultrafast laser, Nd;YAG laser, fiber laser, excimer laser, CO2 laser, Dye laser, accessories and optics of u...
Compact Fiber Lasers
Need Inquire ? If you need more information or quotation about this product, Our sales representative will reply as soon as possible SuperbIN Co. Ltd. Provide the ...
Laser Laser SuperbIN
Picosecond or femtosecond pulse duration Tailored for micromachining, microfabrication, photovoltaics, ophthalmologyDetail Need Inquire ? If you need more information or quotati...