TAMPA | Thrift Store
For ST. PETERSBURG deals, text SUN to 1.888.996.2808
For BRADENTON deals, text STORE to 1.888.996.2808
There’s A Sale For Everyone at Sunshine Thrift
Did you know that Sunshine Thrift is the home of the best clothing sales in Florida. We have a sale for everyone; whether you are a veteran in the military, senior, or part of our exclusive text and e...
Beginner's Guide
Beginners Guide to ThriftingWhether you're looking to save money, find unique fashion pieces, or support sustainable shopping practices, thrift stores like Sunshine Thrift offer a ton of opportunity. ...
How To Remove Price Markings
Have you ever wondered what exactly is used to price items at the thrift store and what are some of the easiest ways to remove these markings? It is common practice to mark and price miscellaneous ite...
Top 5 Tips For Thrift Shoppers
Top 5 Tips for Thrift Shopping Thrifting has gained some serious traction as of late and it likely all started with the mainstream introduction from Macklemore a few years ago. Now, several years remo...
Thrift Store Misconceptions
As a thrift blogger, I get some pretty funny reactions when I tell people I buy my clothing from thrift stores. They are in total disbelief and have a genuine surprised look on their faces. Which enco...