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Home page Sunset Bamboo
Sunset Bamboo and Tiki Thatch offers a wide array of Palm Thatch, Palapas Umbrellas, Bamboo and Tiki Bar Hut building materials. All with free nationwide shipping.
About US
– Sunset Bamboo
Sunset Bamboo is the only US-based bamboo and thatch provider who works exclusively with organic raw materials. Our commitment to being completely green begins with the way the materials are collected...
– Sunset Bamboo
All natural matting comes from the South Pacific where the art of creating matting from the natural leaves of the palm tree is a centuries old tradition passed down from artisan to artisan, generation...
Design Gallery
– Sunset Bamboo
There are so many ideas out there, and it would be easy to get carried away and confuse your style. So here are a few tips to help you find your inspiration, with ideas of how to achieve your desired ...
Bamboo 101
– Sunset Bamboo
Very few people know the true power and versatility of bamboo. Once thought of as just another landscaping grass, bamboo is quickly becoming a great alternative to wood products. There are over 1,500 ...
– Sunset Bamboo
Speckled Bamboo Poles Whether you are into the shabby chic couture or inspired by Asian décor, speckled bamboo poles bring a style of decorating that balances modern and old world charm. The colors ra...