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State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio is one of the largest public pension funds in the United States, serving active, inactive and retired Ohio public educators.
Login | STRS Ohio
STRS Ohio members can access their Online Personal Account during their career and in retirement to view account information, make account changes and much more.
Receiving Benefits | STRS Ohio
STRS Ohio’s primary purpose is to provide a monthly benefit in retirement for Ohio’s public educators.
Selecting a Plan of Payment | STRS Ohio
To plan successfully for retirement, it is important to be familiar with your payment options and to consider your financial needs in retirement.
Eligibility & Enrollment | STRS Ohio
If eligibility requirements are met, you may enroll in a health care plan when you apply for STRS Ohio monthly benefits.
Health Care Publications & Forms (Defined Benefit Plan) | STRS Ohio
All Defined Benefit Plan health care publications and forms for retired members.