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Lawsuit, Campaign, Case Documents | Stop the NDAA!
About In a nation where a number of laws passed since 9/11 have steadily undermined Constitutional protections, the 2012 NDAA has gone too far. Key provisions in this law contain language that is …
NDAA Twitter Campaign – Final Debate | Stop the NDAA!
Let’s Get #NDAA Trending During The Debate UPDATE! RevolutionTruth asked for help “twitter bombing truth” on debates that fall far short of standards of honesty and reality, and t…
Plaintiffs’ Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Permanent Injunction in District Court | Stop
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Support the Lawsuit Citizens are losing their freedoms and we need your help to win them back! Your assistance is critical to getting word out to the national media so that all citizens understand ...
District Court Opinion and Order Granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Permanent Injunction on Enforcement
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