Learn - steeluniversity
We provide e-learning, simulators, 3D models, webinars and videos in the fields of steel manufacturing, steel applications, metallurgy, environment and safety.
E-learning courses - steeluniversity
Courses for the steel industry Distance-learning courses to learn about steelmaking, steel metallurgy, steel applications, environment, sustainability, business and safety in the steel industry. Searc...
About Us - steeluniversity
About steeluniversity steeluniversity, an initiative of World Steel Association, is an industry university delivering education and training to current and future employees of steel companies and rela...
Steelmaking Simulators for the steel industry - steeluniversity
Our steelmaking simulators cover the entire steelmaking process, from raw materials to the finished steel product. Design, produce, test and use steels.
Courses - steeluniversity
World Steel Association AISBL
T: +32 2 702 89 00 - F: +32 2 702 88 99 - E: info@steeluniversity.org
Beijing office
Chaoyang District - Beijing 100125 - China
T: +86 10 6464 6733 - F: +86 10...
steelManagmeent, intensive course on business strategy - steeluniversity
steelManagement is an intensive course on business strategy for the global steel industry. Strategic decisions on issues like investing in a new technology, partnering with another company and more.