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Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - The University of Iowa
The University of Iowa Welcome to The University of Iowa Statistics & Actuarial Science Department Welcome to The University of Iowa Statistics & Actuarial Science Depa...
Master of Science in Statistics | Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - The University of
The University of Iowa Master of Science in Statistics Updated 7/3/2023 The Master of Science in statistics requires 32 s.h. of graduate credit. The program prepares students for careers as professi...
People | Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - The University of Iowa
The University of Iowa Robert V. Hogg Professor Phone: (319) 335-2849 Robert V. Hogg Professor (319) 335-2849 (319) 335-2580 (3...
Research | Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - The University of Iowa
The University of Iowa Research Our department is nationally visible in the following areas of actuarial science, probability, and statistics: categorical data, computer intensive statistics, forensic...
Primary Faculty | Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - The University of Iowa
The University of Iowa Research Interests: Bayesian Statistics, Computational Statistics, Educational Software, High Performance Computing (HPC), Parallel Computing, Programming Languages: C++, Java,...
Master of Science in Data Science | Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - The University
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