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It's long long due, but I finally got a small amount of available time to release this test version. If the term alpha does not ring a bell for you, please be aware that it might contain numerous bugs...
SpeedCrunch: SpeedCrunch 0.12 Released
Almost 3 years and 700 000 downloads later, here's the core new features of this release: brand new website , with searchable document...
SpeedCrunch: SpeedCrunch 0.11 released
It's not dead yet. It's now been over four years since the release of 0.11 alpha and it couldn't unfortunately have been any different. But ...
SpeedCrunch: SpeedCrunch 0.10 Released!
After about 4 months of very strong dedication (and I mean it), a new version is out there. You can get it as usual from the project website...
SpeedCrunch: SpeedCrunch 0.9 release plan
First of all, I'd like to say that a maintenance 0.8.1 release might be considered if some critical bugs are found meanwhile. And now...0.9....
SpeedCrunch: A nice review
Ariya found this interesting review (in Spanish). I've translated it to English so most of you can understand it (may not be a perfect tran...