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ProductsDoor Controll...
SCD series
SCD series
Door series door controllers integrates our patent pending inverter drive with the control and safety circuitry in one compact package.
The SCD series provides a full-fletched, f...
SCD mini series
SCD mini series
Door mini series integrates the Speed Tech patent pending inverter drive with the control and safety circuitry in one compact, and cost optimized product.
However less featu...
Support and downloads
Support and downloads
Support and downloads
Click the button to gain access to our documentation database containing all related material related to our products.
Since 1986 we have been developing door control systems for the industrial market segment.
Our patent pending designs utilizes high quality electronical components, and our products are widely r...
USB Adaptor
USB Adaptor
The USB Adaptor allows for easy update and live diagnostics functionality of both SCD and SCD mini series door controllers as well as the UPS and UPS mini.
A standard USB min...