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South Stream Productions: August 2014
An occasional theatre company in the Raleigh/Durham area.
South Stream Productions: April 2016
Total: $5,535 $4,520 So we lost about $1,015 WITHOUT paying our actors anything. We decided to give everyone a small check to say thank you for their work because we felt it was the right thing to d...
South Stream Productions: 2018
Rehearsals are underway for South Stream Productions next show, This Doesn't End Well! So far rehearsal is going well, and we have a lot to be thankful for. We're thankful for our cast. We're so tha...
South Stream Productions: this doesn't end well
this doesn't end well By Brook North About the show: A mix of dramatic and comic works about misfortune, these plays have gained national and international renown for inspiring rejection letters fr...
South Stream Productions: About
Our Story: South Stream started as a collaboration between Brook North and John Honeycutt to produce Copenhagen in the triangle area in January 2013. Thanks to our supporters and audiences, it was ...
South Stream Productions: December 2016
John Honeycutt - Ray John Honeycutt is the managing director of South Stream Productions and a prolific local actor. We had him answer a few questions about his work and participation in this play. W...