Packaging - Southgate Packaging
Packaging With over 6,000 packaging products available from stock, Southgate offers one of the widest range of packaging equipment and consumables to the packaging professional. Innovation You know ho...
Products - Southgate Packaging
Products From Optimax machinery to Tenza consumables, each of our products is designed and manufactured to equal the demands placed upon it by packaging professionals in high-productivity environments...
Brochures - Southgate Packaging
Catalogues and Brochures Southgate are excited to be moving towards ‘digital first’ catalogues as part of our drive behind sustainability. Southgate Catalogue Issue 80 To see Southgate’s full range ...
About Us - Southgate Packaging
About Us Southgate are evolving the industrial packaging and order fulfilment sectors through innovation, productivity and trusted product brands. Supplying the UK, Europe and beyond… Our Distribution...
Global Supply Chain - Southgate Packaging
Phil Ellis, Chief Operating Officer at Southgate, discusses what’s causing disruptions in global supply chains. Global supply chains have been crumbling under the strain of unprecedented demand. Sin...
Contact Us - Southgate Packaging
Contact us Head office: Sterling House, Hamlin WayKing’s Lynn, NorfolkPE30 4NG, United Kingdom Contact: +44(0)1553 692969enquiries@southgateglobal.com