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I Need Help | Shakespeare Animal Fund
SAF is here to help. Find out more on approved treatments and ways we can help support you and your pets.
Who We Are | Shakespeare Animal Fund
Shakespeare Animal Fund is a non profit organization founded for the sole purpose of assisting those with unexpected emergency veterinary expenses.
DONATE | Shakespeare Animal Fund
SAF has many ways you can help families with expensive vet bills. Please click on to see how you can help our pet owners keep their companions!
Connect | Shakespeare Animal Fund
SAF wants to hear from you! Join us on Facebook or Instagram to learn more about the pets we help!
Legacy Society | S Animal Fund
Legacy Society How it Works By including Shakespeare Animal Fund in your will, you will be able to continue providing life-saving veterinary care for animals who otherwise would have to suffer and die...
Shakespeare Shout Outs | Shakespeare Animal Fund
Hear from those whose lives we have impacted and helped when they needed it the most by assisting with unexpected emergency vet expenses.