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SewerVUE Technology - Multi-Sensor Pipeline Inspection System
SewerVUE Technology is a pipeline condition assessment company based in Coquitlam, British Columbia. Pipe penetrating radar is a SewerVUE proprietary pipeline inspection method. PPR is uniquely capab...
SewerVUE Services | Advanced Pipeline Condition Assessments
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SewerVUE Products - Multi-sensor Pipeline Inspection System
SewerVUE Technology offers a versatile line of inspection platforms and pipe inspection methods. SewerVUE has the tools to perform any advanced multi-sensor inspections ranging in different pipe diame...
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SewerVUE Technology - Multi-Sensor Pipeline Inspection System
Multi-sensor Pipeline Condition Assessment - PPR, GPR, LiDAR, Sonar - Pipe Penetrating Radar (PPR) is the underground in-pipe application of ground penetrating radar.
Brochures - SewerVUE Technology - Multi-Sensor Inspection System
Our sewer inspection robots range from a 4th Generation Robot Surveyor, a Multi-Sensor Inspection Float, and an Asbestos Cement Pipe Scanner. For general information about our products, learn more on ...