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Alliances - Segen Pro Audio
Professional Audio Systems Integration and Consulting
Contact - Segen Pro Audio
Contact 6036 Lori Anne Dr, Spring Hill, TN 37174 For more information about Segen and its services: O: 615.241.1322
News - Segen Pro Audio
News ________________________________________________________________________________________ Cypress Moon Studios Announces the Restoration of the Legendary Muscle Shoals Sound Studios Cypress Moon S...
About Us - Segen Pro Audio
About Us Don Woerner After majoring in vocal performance in college, Don worked for a number of years as a broadcast engineer in Pensacola and Birmingham. He moved to Nashville in 1974 to work in th...
Services - Segen Pro Audio
Services The best of the past. The best of the future. Segen provides the following services to clients who want to build on the technologies of the future without sacrificing the excellence of legacy...